Sunday, November 8, 2009


I am sooo excited! I am getting a Macbook laptop!!!!!! Ok, let me explain...

Once upon a land, there was a fair maiden who.....

Ok, so I have lived in America my whole life, but last summer, we went on sabbatical (one year living in another country) to....
So now that is where I live. But in 9 months I am coming back to...
Wow, that was dorky.
And when we get back, me and my sister will be able to share a Macbook laptop, and continue using our big, slightly old (maybe 4 or 5 years old) computer. This will be fun.

Also happening when we return:
• I get a new pair of Converse lowtops
• We go clothes shopping (I had to give away lots of clothes)
• We go school supply shopping (new markers here I come!)
• We go furniture shopping (bookshelf, desk chair, urgh....)
• I greet all my friends in a huge party at the pool (hopefully?)
• I prepare myself for school with some Math revision! Yay!!!! NOT
• We re-furnish our house with all our old furniture
• I re-organize my furniture in my room, plus re-paint the walls
• I start school (blurhg)
• I soon get used to all the corridors and stairs and...
• Start re-living my old life except older and wiser and with nicer hair :)


  1. Not trying to be pushy! But invite me to the pool party (if u want me 2 go)! World Culture Budddies foreva!!!

  2. Oh yeah! I am soo inviting my little Kster!
