Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hair Accessories

I am going to get some hair accessories from a charity shop today, and I'm really excited!!!! I also have to start my history essay tomorrow, but I don't want to... :( oh well, I guess I will.

Friday, September 25, 2009


Tomorrow my dad's childhood best friend is coming to visit us. I am also going to make a map of my neighborhood and downtown and all my friends houses and stuff. I will also, hopefully, move a bookshelf into my room, practice drinking tea, and try to convince my parents to give me an allowance.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

First Day of School (And Second and Third...)

I had the greatest first, second and third days! I already have an awesome group of friends, HAZIL, (what we call ourselves) and the school is awesome! There are ten minute breaks between every 2 classes, and free periods 3 times a week and a super long lunch where we can do whatever we want to! Also, I got invited to a Halloween party! The homework load is pretty light, compared to Kealing, and the classes are fun and super short! French is, not surprisingly, hard and not very fun so far, but I just started, so no biggie. I am, however, looking forward to the weekend...

Sunday, September 20, 2009


I am really bored. I am waiting until I can take a shower so that I can start my Spa Evening! grrr.... anyway, I have just discovered my friend's blog, and realized I didn't send her a picture! I will have to!!! I must!!! Anyway, I am being weird, but probably that's because my stomach hurt because I just ate some chocolate mousse pudding. Oh yeah....


I just got some snacks for tomorrow, including mini chocolate chip cookies (yum!) and honey oat granola bars. I also have my sports kit bag packed, and my shoes and uniform hanging and ready. I have packed my backpack with school supplies and paper, plus an umbrella and emergency kit. The thing I am most nervous about is PE. I can't play any sports game to save my life, let alone be good at it. I guess I'll just have to grin and bare it as I hopelessly waddle across the field, either losing control of the ball or tripping over my own feet. sigh....

Start of School

I recently moved to Oxford, England, and there was a big problem with schools. So I am just starting school tomorrow. Today is going to be highly devoted to preparing. Here's what I'm doing:
* taking a shower and freshening up
* scrubbing hands and feet
* relaxing
* preparing my sports bag and backpack
* going to sleep early
* setting my alarm for 7:30
I am thinking of doing my hair in either a low ponytail or two braids. hmmm......