Thursday, December 31, 2009

More Updates!

Ok, so....
On my first December post, I'm So Sorry!!!, I used colours on the bottom of my list, and then in paranthes I wrote the same thing in plain colours. The reason for that was because the coloured stuff was supposed to be in that font symbols that you can't read, but it didn't work.... :(
Anyway, I didn't want you guys to think I'm slightly stupid or something like that....

Also, I am not going to be getting a Macbook to share with my sister when we go back to America, but instead we will be keeping are very old, very slow laptop and replacing our big, 4 year old computer with a new one! I am super excited because it will have a camera, and so I can stillmake Youtube videos! (I don't now because my dad doesn't want me too, but I can in America)


Puffy glitter stickers! (and me in the background...)

It's a Tardis air freshener! (Dr.Who lovers UNITE!)
STICKERS!!!! (again...)

I am feeling happy! Today is my Mom's birthday, plus it's New Year's Eve, and yesterday we went to London! There, I got these magnificent items:
(see above)

Hey guys! Sorry something VERY strange is happening when I post a, well, post with pictures and I can't type up there, so I will just type down here. The video is kind weird but I MUST show you guys how it spins. Anyway, I am doing a Christmas presents post this afternoon, I believe, so I will see you guys later!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I'm So Sorry!

Hey people! I am soo sorry I have been a little slacker and forgotten about posting! There are lots of Updates to have, so here they are!
• It's December, and 2 days until Christmas! (from tomorrow morning)
• I have 7 x-mas presents, which I am very excited to open! ( I know 3 of them: an electric piano, a set of mini makeup stuff [which I'll never use but just look at with love in my eyes], and a watch)
The rest are mysteries, though one is oddly shaped like this set of coloured pens I wanted....
• IT SNOWED!!!!!!!!!!!! (the first time I have ever seen snow, besides when I was 4, but I completely forgot everything about it, so, does it count? I didn't think so.
• I really must learn how to use all my fingers when typing, I'm a little ashamed of typing with two fingers....
• I'm on winter break
• I got a haircut, which really didn't do anything but make my hair shorter than I wanted it to be... I have a frizzy mass of manes, that's for sure.
• This list is becoming entirely to long and boring, soo...
Let's change it up a bit! (let's change it up a bit!)

Ok, well, bye for now!

ps: I will do a post after Christmas with all my presents and cool stuff like that!

Have Happy Holidays everyone! and Glad Tidings, whatever it means!